Take Better Photos With the Camera You Already Have- Tip #4: Perspective

Take Better Photos With the Camera You Already Have- Tip #4: Perspective

Several months ago I gave a workshop on how to take better pictures with the camera you have. (You don't necessarily need to go out & buy a better camera to improve your photos!) I thought it would be something worth sharing here, so I'm going to share it in parts. Each Friday I'll share another part. If you have any photography-related questions that you'd like to see me answer, feel free to leave them in the comments
(or e-mail me). Perhaps I could do a post on a subject you're curious about.

Tip #4: Perspective

Switch things up by changing your perspective!

1. When you’re taking photos of children, try getting down on their eye level.
It makes for a more interesting photo.

2. Get Low or High: We call it a “bird’s eye” or a “worm’s eye” view. Move your body!
Try looking up at your subject, or down on them.

3. Try taking a photo of the side or the back of your child (whether that’s posed, or while they’re busy with something)

I hope you'll have some fun playing with your perspective when you're taking photos of your kids this week!

Share the photos you're taking with the tips in this series on Instagram, using the hashtag #RaisingMemories
You can find me on Instagram @RaisingMemories

Other Posts in the Series:

Tip #1: Using Your Flash
Tip #2: Natural Light
Tip #3: Be Aware of your Background
Tip #4: Perspective
Tip #5: Focus & Zoom
Tip #6: Rule of Thirds
Tip #7: No Cheese!

Each Friday I'll share another photography tip. If you have any photography-related questions that you'd like to see me answer, feel free to leave them in the comments- perhaps I could do a future post on a subject you're curious about.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

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  1. Great series. I'm working hard to get better at taking pictures. It's definitely not easy! Thanks for the help.

  2. I'm loving this blog series!!! I have definitely been playing around with perspective in my photos - it is so much fun!

    1. Thanks Amanda! And thank you for the taking the time to leave comments, that makes my day! :)


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment- I love reading them! :)
~Heather Lynne

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