The Ultimate List of 100 Non-Toy Gift Ideas

The Ultimate List of 100 Non-Toy Gift Ideas

Stop filling your home with too many toys! End toy overwhelm today with this huge list of specific, FUN non-toy gift ideas! 

The Ultimate List of 100 Non-Toy Gift Ideas by
Is this how you feel when you survey the growing collection of toys in your home?

I was recently interviewed on several radio shows across Canada about the idea of a Toyless Christmas, so I thought I would share a list on the blog of Non-Toy Gift Ideas that can serve as a reference for birthdays and Christmas when you're feeling overwhelmed with toys!

There are so many non toy gifts for kids but we tend to get stuck on toys. Let's get you out of that rut!

List of 100 Specific Non-Toy Gift Ideas by

100 Specific Non-Toy Gift Ideas:

Season Passes

A gift that keeps on giving, season passes are great gifts for the child who has everything and the home that has no space left!

- Zoo
- Museum
- Butterfly Conservatory
- Aviary
- Aquarium
- Amusement Park

One-Time Passes

Non Toy Experience Gift Ideas

- Movies
- Bowling
- Swimming
- Theatre Performance
- Dinner & A Show
(we went to Medieval Times)
- Go see a sporting event
- Disney On Ice
- Circus
- Ice Skating
- Roller Skating
- Mini Golf
- Concert

Experience Gifts for Kids

Non Toy Gifts for Kids

Some of the best non toy gifts for kids are the ones that create special memories and allow them to spend time with the people they love. Why not give the gift of time with the promise of a special day trip together? Here are a few ideas to get you started:

- Horse & Buggy Ride
- Train Ride
- Ice Cream Vouchers
- Special dinner out
- A Trip to the Fire Station
- A Trip to Chuckie Cheese (buy the tokens ahead of time so you have something to wrap!)
- Coupon book with "time" gifts (ie. an afternoon making cookies with mom)

Experience Gifts for Parents & Big Kids

Experience Gifts for Big Kids and Adults

We can get stuck giving physical gifts to adults and big kids too! To get you thinking about special experience gifts for parents or teenagers, I've included this list of ideas:

- Hot Air Balloon Ride
- Wine Tasting
- Zip Lining
- Helicopter Ride
- Trip to the Spa (Mani/Pedi, Massage, Facial, etc.)
- Overnight Getaway to a Spa
- Rock Climbing
- Trip to Arcade

A Class or Season of Lessons

Non Toy Gift Ideas for Kids

Lessons are excellent non toy kid gifts because they get to keep going to them week after week and they develop a skill while they're at it.  They can be excellent confidence builders! Here are a few lesson or class gift ideas:

- Swimming
- Sports
- Gymnastics
- Dance
- Karate
- Musical Instrument
- Pottery Class- or paint your own pottery
- Art Class
- Craft class (ie. knitting)
- Horseback riding lessons

Family Experience Gifts

Non Toy Gift Ideas for Families

- A night(s) away at a local hotel (with a pool)
- A hotel with an indoor waterpark
- Camping
- Road trip
- Trip to the Beach
- Give each family member the travel/camping gear, swimsuits, or other accessories needed for the experience you'll be gifting so that they have a physical item to unwrap
- Let them unwrap something that reveals where they'll be going!
(Here's how we told our girls we were going to Disney World)

Physical Gifts that aren't Toys

Non Toy Gift Ideas for Kids

- Books
- Games
- CDs of fun kids music
- Craft kits (or supplies to make something fun for themselves!)
- Science kit
- New art supplies
- Magazine Subscription
- Monthly Craft or Science Kit Subscription
- Fun Bath Supplies (colour-changing water, crayons that write on walls, foamy soap, etc.)
- A wagon to pull kids in when you go on walks
- Stationery
- Special Christmas Tree Ornament
- Wrist watch
- Piggy bank
- Memory/Photo Book
- Journal

Fun "Needs"

- Kid furniture
- New bedding that they really like (check out our awesome bedding- we love it!)
- Bedroom décor/Promise of a total room makeover
- New hat, mitts, etc.
- Bike
- Scooter
- PlasmaCar
- Roller skates/blades
- Basketball hoop
- Trampoline
- Swing set (for big ticket items like this, grandparents can pitch in)
- An item they need, but they wanted a more expensive version than you would normally buy (ie. boots/clothes)
- Colourful band aids
- Sled/toboggan/other winter outdoor things
- Sleeping bag
- Flashlight
- Toy box
- Personal set of scriptures
- Jewelry box

Learning Tools

- Telescope
- Magnifying glass
- Strong Magnet
- Science Kit
- Magic Kit
- Cookbook & Apron/Chef Hat
- Easel
- Chalkboard
- Gardening tools
- Bug-catching tools (better if you don't live somewhere that's snowy ;)
- Binoculars
- Globe

Other Non-Toy Gift Ideas

- Educational App they can play on your phone/iPod/tablet or Computer Game
- Items they need for lessons (costume/instrument/etc.)
- A new game for a game console
- A refill for an easy bake oven or other toy requiring refills
- A pet! (perhaps a "certificate" saying that you will go and pick one out together)
- Contribute to an education savings plan (Ideas for how to make that more Fun)
- Pet Accessories/supplies
- iTunes gift card
- grandparents can take the grandchildren for a sleepover and let their parents go on a getaway!

If you want to refer to this list in the future, you can on Pinterest for later!

Need some Stocking Stuffer Ideas too?

100 Kid-Approved Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Stocking Stuffer Gift Ideas for Kids

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  1. I don't have kids - and don't do a lot of gifting, but I love your list! GREAT ideas for gifts all year round!
    A small note though - I don't recommend giving the actual "pet" for an event (xmas, birthday, etc).
    I would, however, recommend giving books/videos/care products for such pet - and a "certificate" from you to go with the gift recipient to pick out their cat/dog from the shelter and give him a forever home (or to go to the pet store for the small cageable pets).

    There's just too much excitement on a holiday to introduce a new family member.

    Thanks for your awesome blog!

    1. Thank you, Deb! & that sounds like good advice about the pet :) I have never had a pet, so I haven't got a lot of experience with the process of choosing one and bringing one home! :)

      Thank you for your kind words!

    2. Agreed! As a dad who had my daughter come home from a sleep-over birthday party with a pet fish, it's not fun, funny or appreciated. We then had to go out and get a fish bowl, food and all the accessories.

      In fact, pets should never be a gift. Too quickly that pet is forgotten (rabbit for easter??) and dumped somewhere. We have a park near us where it's rather common place to find numerous discarded rabbits. The population spikes each year around the start of summer when the Easter bunny novelty has dried up and the actual pain of owning a pet rabbit come.

    3. Oh, I totally agree! I wouldn't appreciate a "surprise pet gift" for my child either! I was thinking of it as a gift from parents to their own children (after making the decision to go ahead and have a pet).

    4. One of my besties asked what my twins wanted for their birthday. I joked that they'd love her forever if she got them a hamster. She was on board, so was I. I told other people gift cards to the pet store would be nice... It was a wonderful gift and I love that my friend was a part of it!

    5. Pets are personal and a good match is very important for both the family and the animal.only if asked to contribute should you give a pet as a gift. Unless you are the awesome parents, of course.

  2. Fantastic list! I pinned it to my Christmas Community board. One of my goals for 2014 is to shop throughout the year for gifts for the kids. We try to emphasize non-toy gifts with the inlaws. A list like this would really help!

    I'd love for you to share this list with my readers on my Motivation Monday linky:

  3. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, Daric! What a great example of what "non-toy" gifts can mean! Thank you for sharing that! I love the idea of choosing a family in need to help out- what a great example to and experience for your kids to have and to learn from!

  4. I love this list - and hoping to send it grandma's way this year. :) 5 children can make a lot of stuff-induced-stress for this mama who likes to keep things simple.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Dana! And thanks for taking a moment to comment! :)

  6. Great Post! In preparation for Christmas I have been thinking a lot of gifts. My husband and I have been asked what we want, and the answer is not in stuff. We recently purged a lot of stuff, and don't want more nick knacks. This is a wonderful list of ideas for what I can give family, without giving more stuff. Thanks!

    1. You're very welcome! I'm glad you're finding it useful! Isn't it great to purge and make space in your home?! Thanks for taking the time to comment, Rebekah!

  7. Daric, I really appreciated your comment. I could write much more, but am not going to. Thank you.

  8. If you've never had a pet, please do not suggest that as a gift. Animals need a lot of care, money and attention. Giving a pet as a gift usually results in the recipient(s) becoming bored of said pet as time goes on. :/

    1. That's an interesting point, Darlenne. Maybe a "certificate" saying that you will go together and choose a pet would be a better idea, as Deb suggested in the comments above. The gift could be some supplies needed for the pet, as a "clue" to what the main gift (the pet) would be.

    2. Another idea instead of getting a pet or certificate would be to donate to your local humane society, they are almost always in need, you can also donate your time. There's a lot of people who get a puppy and then the excitement wears off and they eat your shoes and poop everywhere it seems and people find out the hard way that it's not just a toy that can be played with and put away. Helping with the shelter dogs and cats puts pet ownership into perspective of what will be asked of you and if you can't handle an hour there, there's no way you'll last for 10 to 15 years on your own.

  9. This is exactly what I would love Christmas to look like! Thanks for sharing I will be sharing these as a nudge to family :) thanks Heather!

  10. Great list! Thanks for sharing. The busy holiday season is practically here. How did that happen?!

    1. Thanks Kara, and I know! So crazy to think it's already "upon us" ;)

  11. I have three Godchildren in three (other) countries. For the first 18 years of their lives, on their birthday, I put money into a bank account for them and told their parents that it was not to be touched until they were 18 and then, preferably, for education.

  12. An idea if you want to give an experience but still want something to wrap is to write on a balloon or punching ballon what the experience will be. That way, the kids still have something to unwrap and play with, but it's cheap and disposable.

    1. What a fun idea, Kay! I love that (and I know my kids would too!)

  13. This is how we do Christmas in our house pretty much. 2 years ago we started giving our kids a "main" gift and a box of books. The first year I went a little overboard on the box of books. Last year our box was 10 books per kid. Things we've given as a main gift: a bigger LEGO set, Hearts for Hearts Girls doll, bow and arrow, Geomags, etc ... This past Christmas with my extended family we all picked names from a hat and then we bought a gift that reminded us of the person we drew and then gave them to whatever organization they thought it best fit. So for example, my cousin Cathy got my daughter and bought several books because my daughter loves to read and donated them to a local book drive. My son drew my cousin Lynn who is a high school basketball coach so we got a basketball, go figure. One of my aunts got one of my cousins who loves to cook so she bought a bunch of food and donated it to a local food drive. Because we're all over the country (my family) we all took pictures of what we bought and posted the photos of why we bought what we bought and where we gave it to. It was really fun.

    1. I love little family traditions like that! It is likely something that your children will never forget & may implement in their own families in the future :)

  14. Awesome list! The toys just pile up, I love the idea of no toys gift giving. I'm sure my son would appreciate those things a lot more too. Thank you! Pinning for sure.

  15. Great list!!! One question, where did you find the swirly tree wall decal?

    1. Hi Heidi! I found it on a website called CSN Stores ( which is now I just looked it up and found it! Here's the link:

    2. Awwww thank you for the link that was very nice of you! Have a wonderful day!

  16. This was a great list. However, I would take computer games off the list, since in this day and age, computer games are the new "toys". I think children want and parents spend more on video games than the traditional toys I grew up with. I would also add to the list a bug collection. My aunt gave us this when I was a kid and my brothers and I loved it. We would go into the woods and try to find and collect every insect on the poster and keep them in jars. It was very educational.

    1. I agree! I thought to myself: Video games are toys! They're also a more expensive kind of toy and not very conducive to imaginative play. My mother showered our children with video games and they play three out of the 60 or so they own. I would also suggest skill build toys, like a small, real tool set, first sewing machine, or loom. Children love to do what their parents do. Perhaps, you could learn something new together?

    2. Computer games are kind of a tricky/touchy item, aren't they? I am sensitive to trying to limit my kids' "screen time" and it can be challenging when they have lots of fun activities to do "on screen"! This would definitely be one that may not be a good idea for everyone.

      Love the bug collection idea- I love the idea of getting kids excited about being outside! (although my kids would have to wait about 6 months before they could use it with the weather here if it were a Christmas gift, and they both have Winter birthdays.. maybe something fun for Easter ;)

      Rachel, I love the idea of a first sewing machine or tool set! My daughter loves using her looms (she has a couple different types) and I am excited that she is learning to do things like that!

      I'm with you on learning something new together too- time together is a great 'gift'!

  17. This is a super thorough list! Love it. :)

  18. I think Cooking lessons for older kids would be a fantastic Christmas gift! OR perhaps Grandma or Grandpa can set aside some special time to share some of their favorite recipes with little ones - another 'real' experience idea. Perhaps Mom or Dad can write up the recipies in a special way.
    I sell some adorable personalized ornaments made from tree rings, and some cute stuffed toys kids can color over at Little Wee Shop on Etsy if folks are looking for eco-friendly ideas.

  19. I am so impressed that Daric has passed on to us all the real meaning of the Christmas season and was brought up to give to others and not expect material gifts as such. What a wonderful way to share the holidays.

  20. I am all for a "no toy" Christmas. This year there is an archery set and a bb gun on the wish list (son is in Cub Scouts), craft supplies, and an acoustic guitar. I can handle that!

  21. A number of years ago my family had what we called, "Memory Christmas." All gifts had to be based on a memory you had with the recipient (for the adults) OR the creation of a new memory (for the kids.) I really enjoyed the experiences and relationship focus it provided, as opposed to a forgettable and breakable stuff focus. "Memory Christmas" is by FAR the most memorable to date!

  22. A number of years ago my family had what we called, "Memory Christmas." All gifts had to be based on a memory you had with the recipient (for the adults) OR the creation of a new memory (for the kids.) I really enjoyed the experiences and relationship focus it provided, as opposed to a forgettable and breakable stuff focus. "Memory Christmas" is by FAR the most memorable to date!

  23. I love the idea of season passes! great ideas here!

  24. This is such a great list. I've shared it with my readers and I know a lot of people have read it, liked it, and shared it themselves. I think we all feel that our houses are overflown with "stuff" and not enough of us actually spend any quality time with loved ones, so this is a step in the right direction. In fact, my sons received a gift from their Aunt and Uncle last Christmas that included a day at the Aquarium. Only thing is, it's almost a year later and it hasn't happened yet. So my only advice would be to actually make sure you follow through on the non-material gifts ;) While the thought is nice, spending time together is what really counts or it's all for not.

  25. I love this list it is so great....Thanks for sharing.

  26. BTW, what is the widget you use for your pinterest? I love it with the scrolling up pics. If you are willing to share your secret, let me know!

    1. Hey Elizabeth, are you talking about the bar at the top of my blog? That's from :)

  27. Thanks Heather. Love the list. My son is 22 month old. Any other cool ideas for gifts he can get involved with or I can make for him that he would appreciate.

  28. Loved the list - thanks for compiling. I linked to your article from my blog post about How I Plan to Redefine My Family Christmas.

  29. Hi there! I also linked to your post through my blog post: Spend Less, Give More:

  30. This is a fantastic post and I put a link to it in my blog post today, I hope you don't mind (

  31. For girls: There is a company called add a pearl. You can order 1 pearl at a time and have it added to a necklace. I hope by the time my girls are married they have a full necklace.

  32. I love this list. We always follow the want, need, wear, read motto when buying for our son, and for other children we always try to make something they need. Lists like this should be compulsory reading for people shopping for younger relatives

  33. Don't forget the Star Registry. Name a star after your childb and very a star map and certificate that can be framed.

  34. This is a great list! As a professional organizer, I have many clients who are overwhelmed just trying to keep all their kids' toys stored and organized. They have trouble getting rid of stuff and the guilt is magnified when something is a gift. When it comes to kids, it is never too early to teach them how to be organized as well as the value in giving vs. getting. Just one reason I have always been a big advocate of consumable gifts (gift cards, edible gifts, services, donations to charity, tickets to events, etc.) It puts far less pressure on the recipient not to have to figure out how/where to store their gift. I am one of 8 kids, and every year my father's gift to each of us is a donation made in our name to a worthy cause. He spends a lot of time researching various organizations and picks one that champions a cause close to our hearts. It is one of my favorite traditions because it allows us to become part of a solution for someone else instead of creating a new problem for ourselves (e.g. I got a gift I don't like/can't use/don't have room for and I feel guilty getting rid of it).

  35. I love these ideas! Here's another awesome, healthy, non-toy Christmas gift: Clued In Kids treasure hunts. Check them out: :)

  36. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Absolutely, toys are great gifts! I hope this post hasn't given the impression that I'm against toys- I'm certainly not! I just know that kids can end up with too many and sometimes, as parents, we know our kids don't really need more at a particular time, so it's nice to have ideas of alternatives when that need isn't there. I definitely agree that a toy is a great learning tool.

  38. I really like this concept all. Exactly what a cute idea-totally the kind of gift.

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  40. It's really nice to see a gift guide where you're actually properly talking about the things you've picked out!

    anniversary gift

  41. I love the idea of giving a season pass to the zoo! Perfect for a family Christmas gift as well!

  42. Hi, Thanks for sharing this amazing post with us. Gifts in Coimbatore I enjoyed the entire article and keep rocking!

  43. I love what you had to say. We have 7 grandkids and we do not buy toys or electronics of any kind. Some of the family gets upset because the kids aren't getting toys, but I really don't care. I love the ideas on your list and plan to try some of them out this year.

  44. Thanks for sharing the birthday gift ideas.

  45. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. Ha..Ha.. While reading your post I feel somewhat quite interesting that offering non-toy gift.

  47. Thank you for the post regarding kid's gift guide. Kids love gifts. They want gift from parents. Every children loves fun types of game like trampoline. Jumping on trampoline is a great fun for them. trampoline reviews

  48. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  49. Very well written I appreciate & must say good job.... please continue your blog

    unique gifts for baby girl

  50. Tons of gift list ideas! Very useful for us. Thanks for your ideas.
    Children loves receiving gifts .

  51. I love this list! This is particularly handy when you know the kid well enough to give them a class or experience that they will love. Great ideas, thanks!

  52. This showed up in my memories from this time last year. I love it as much this year as I did last year. One of our favorite non-toy gifts is picture books!! All of our pics are on digital formats, but my girls love hard copies!!

    1. Oh, I love having photo books! I agree, that would be a lovely gift!

  53. Please, no circuses! These animals are usually stolen as babies from their mothers in the wild and then brought to the U.S. and worldwide to perform ridiculous tricks. Elephants, for instance, are trained by being beaten with bull hooks (a metal apparatus resembling a fireplace poker with a hook on the end) and clubs as well as being whipped and electrocuted. Trainers have been known to burn the bottoms of dancing bears' feet so, by shifting their weight from foot to foot, the bears appear to dance. Much of the cruelty goes on behind the scenes and spectators to the circus do not see it. At performance time, the trainer then only needs to use the sight of the bull hook or whip and not actually use it in order to “persuade” the animal into performing a trick. Far too often, they are kept from seeing a veterinarian, even when they are having severe physical maladies.

    Besides all of the cruelty that is attached with animal shows, circus-goers are oftentimes given the opportunity to have contact with animals which is absolutely FOOLISH! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, elephants, for instance, can carry TUBERCULOSIS and transmit it to the public, even without direct contact. Also, as we have seen numerous times before, animals that have been grossly maltreated end up going berserk and harming and/or killing people. Please do NOT patronize circuses with animals like this one. There are plenty of circuses without animals that are absolutely terrific -- I have seen them. Just a few animal-free shows are: Circus of the Kids, Circus Vargas, Imperial Circus, New Shanghai Circus, as well as many others. Thank you for caring!

  54. Very helpful list but please do not suggest any kind of pet as a Christmas gift. Any pet is a huge decision that the child must be a part of giving them the chance to consider the responsibility too. There are so many other things that you have suggested that are amazing

    1. Oh, I agree! I would assume that someone wouldn't give this gift unless they had already had such discussions prior to deciding on that as a gift!

  55. Love, love, love this blog. My husband and I are first time grandparents with a 2 year old and another one on the way. We like the "simple" idea. Our grandson has to many toys already from a lot of well meaning relatives on our daughter in laws side. I would also like to suggest making a simple photo book with pictures of the family so the child can learn to say their names. Like, Aunt Sue, Grandma Jo, boots the dog, etc. Perhaps label it "Those Who Love Me" I do a newsletter 4 times a year on "Nurturing Mindfulness and Spirituality for Children" and if you don't mind, I would like to use some of your suggestions in my next newsletter.

    1. Thank you! That is a very nice idea, too!
      I'm happy to have it shared, but would appreciate if you would link back to the original blog post as the source, or share the blog address ( when sharing in print. Thank you so much!

  56. Great list! Our son is 13, and I cannot tell you how many Christmases he has had where the number of toys he gets seem insurmountable. In an already over-crowded bedroom, finding room for the extra stuff was a nightmare. We started several years ago giving "experiences" as his major gift. Things like a trip to Orlando to visit the Kennedy Space Center have been a big hit! Last year, he got travel stuff to go along with the family trip we had already planned for London and Paris--he got new earbuds, French language software, a passport cover, and money to spend on his own souvenirs. He loved it, and the memories we made on that trip will definitely outlast some cheap toy that would have already been discarded. Thanks for sharing your list; it really is difficult to come up with non-toy ideas sometimes!

    1. Thank you! Those ideas are fabulous! I hope to do some more travel-based gifts in the future with my girls. I remember a friend whose parents surprised their kids with a trip to Jamaica for Christmas (all of the gifts they opened were things they would need for the trip- swim suits, etc.) I love the ideas you listed that you've done!

  57. Thanks for the great list! My daughter is getting a subscription to a kids magazine (Ladybug) this year for Christmas. She loves to read, AND I think she is going to get a real buzz from getting a package in the mail every month, addressed to her!

  58. I have no children of my own however i do have a niece and nephew that i love to spoil. Every year for Christmas i get them an "experience" gift. It consists of a weekend spending the night with me and big event. The most recent event was a day at Disney World. They love these gifts and really look forward to them. I love that it's not some piece of plastic but time together and memories made. Additionally their parents love the gift also for the same reason. This was a great blog post!

    1. I think that is a great idea! I am trying to do this more & more, as much as I can. Thanks for sharing!

  59. I love this! I will be sharing it on my Oregon Kids and Family Facebook page- it goes great with an article I just wrote about providing gifts of time and experiences- thank you!

  60. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  61. These seems to be unique gift ideas. Found some amazing and unusual Christmas day gifts for him and her.

  62. this tips really genius

    but I think it will be more interesting if you add image on the post

    anyway thank you for your hardwork!

  63. Those are all very cute & neat! I love to do gift baskets! A great grandma one (since they have everything) is "Glad Tidings of Great Joy!" packed with useful Glad storage bags, Tide, & Joy dishwashing liquid...just thought I'd share!

    mother day homemade gift ideas from daughter

  64. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  65. Oh dear,Thanks for your great post.Love to see and all your ideas.

  66. A long ago when I went to school I usually worked a lot to find what to get for Christmas for my teachers and friends. But now time has been changed and very beautiful gifts can be easily brought from online shop.

  67. Love the "non-toy" list. Another suggestion might be items for a make-believe box (durable costume items). My daughter is grown now - but her favorite birthday party when she was 9 involved a big box of used but clean costume props, her friends, and 3 hours to mix and match and create a fashion show. We kept that box for many years of fun and imagination. A great teen gift might be the "murder mystery" box parties - invite up to 7 friends over to play the parts of the various murder suspects and have an afternoon or evening full of fun.

  68. Great list. We don't exchange gifts at Christmas time. My kids know that Santa exists but he gives toys to other kids like those in need.

    Instead, they put on their Santa Elves outfits and we take new toys to our local foodbank in honour of my son that passed away.

    A great gift for children to give is to a charity in another person's name. Everyone wins.

    Besos Sarah
    Journeys of The Zoo

  69. Amazing list! I try to prepare gifts for Christmas. Thx.

  70. Thanks for sharing your great list of non toys gift ideas. I really looking for some gift and I have found one here.

  71. Amazing List. Thanks for the ideas

  72. Thanks to your excellent post, It’s always so difficult coming up with great gifts for little ones.. Some really great ideas and easy to understand instructions.Gifts never means big budget. It is something related to heart and feelings. If you can put it all, then definitely the outcome will be best. it is rally Very nicely done I will visit this site again.

  73. What a fabulous post this is. Looking around at what kids get for Christmas or their birthday, I'm always astonished. So many toys that it's all just overpowering. In fact one of my granddaughters had a ton of dolls from various popular collections. I gifted her a doll's house so that she had somewhere to put them - not only has the doll's house gone but so have a good number of the dolls - she hadn't even opened them.
    Then when they go to parties they get treat bags, what's that about? Kids come to the party and are entertained for the afternoon in exchange they get another present - it's all just getting out of hand I feel.

  74. I love the ideas on this list. We did really well limiting toys at first, but somehow it has morphed out of control and we need to cut back :)


  75. I gave a unique gift for my best friend the idea I got from internet

    birthday gift

  76. I Feel give dress materials is also a good gift idea for kids ... they look really cute in that .. and can wear for auspicious occasions

  77. I LOVE these ideas!! I am excited to link this post to a couple of my own next month! :)

  78. I often find myself throwing toys out and taking boxes to the DI. I love this list of suggestions!

  79. I love this list. We need to downsize this year (two children serving LDS missions) and this list will help!

  80. Thank you! I have kids and a husband who are quite hard to buy for. This list really helps!

  81. I love love love this top picture of you in a room looking dismal. lol Been there too. This list is awesome because it reminds me toys are not life and we learn more from life experiences than anything else :) Thanks for this list to reference. A good time before the holidays to think of these things instead

  82. I love to give a mix of both, my granddaughter getting ticket to PJ mask for her Birthday. This is a great list. I heard Circle du Soleil on ice is comming to our city this summer, I will try to get 4 tickets and give each one of my granddaughter one at Christmas. Then it will be grandma treat. Circle du soleil never came to our city before.

  83. I love the idea of giving kids experiences rather than stuff! This is something we have been trying to do more of and it is something we are all really enjoying! Thanks for the great list!

  84. Your ideas are right on. My children are grown, and I now have a granddaughter. One of the most played with gifts I ever gave my son and daughter was a kitchen set with a grocery cart and food and a tool bench with moveable parts. They played with these sets for years.

  85. Thanks for sharing helpful information, I really like your all post. anyone have a idea how can send online gifts to Pakistan

  86. There really are a lot of gift ideas other than toys! It saddens me when I see toys that have hardly been used just tossed to the side...then you might see the same kid playing for hours with a cardboard box...They like to use their imaginations, right?

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  89. In india when it comes to gift ideas for important functions, every one goes with a common gift like kanjivaramsilks kanjivaramsilks sarees. now after reading your post, i have whole lot of ideas that i can use to gift my dear ones.

  90. You might be so candy and generous. I really like you.

  91. Pets are really the best companion for life and Pet memory gifts give the best option to secure all the cherishing moments spent with little fur in a beautiful piece of art.

  92. This is a great list of ideas! I remember reading it last year. Thanks for sharing it again. :)

  93. What a great list, love lots of these idea! I like to give a combination of toys and non toys as gift!

  94. Passes to the zoo is a perfect gift for a family.

  95. Hi there! This blog post couldn?t be written much better!

    Reading through this article reminds me of my previous roommate!
    He always kept talking about this. I most certainly will forward
    this article to him. Pretty sure he will have a great read.
    I appreciate you for sharing!

  96. I think tickets to an event your children want to see is always a great idea. If they love ice skating, then an ice skating event, etc...
    Lauralee Hensley

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  99. Great content. Love your creative ideas.
    Thanks for this awesome blog!

  100. Think about what your child loves and discover ways to support them to increase their knowledge and skills. While you may have fewer boxes under your tree or around your menorah, you'll create memories that will last much longer than it takes to rip open the packages. I think the best gift ideas for your kid are affordable. Thanks

  101. The list was very helpful. Great ideas to help everyone shop for Christmas gifts. I’m trying to go for non-toy gifts this year and the list has best gift ideas for 6 year old girl.

  102. These are some really nice gift ideas. I'm going to check em out.

  103. Thanks very nice blog!

  104. Power wheels toys are amazing tools for a child's imagination. A ride on toy will allow your child to travel any where their imagination takes them. Love your creative ideas. Thanks for sharing!!

  105. Love this idea! Thank you so much for sharing it.

  106. Heya i'm for the first time here. I came across this board and I find It truly useful & it helped me out a lot.
    I hope to give something back and help others like you helped

  107. You can also gift gold jewellery to them as investment for the future.

  108. As someone who struggles to find gifts for people (I have a gift industry background and I still find it hard) your list has been really helpful. I try to find gifts for people that they could really use or creates an experience rather than just getting them "stuff". Thanks for giving me a ton of new ideas!

  109. Hi Heather, in the post are some nice ideas.
    BTW you have a very nice blog. Keep up the good work.

  110. Very descriptive article, I loved that a
    lot. Will there be a part 2?

  111. Yes! Finally something about absolute time online.

  112. StationEry is the paper :) StationAry means to stay still (kids most certainly will not do this).

  113. Nice Post, Thanks for sharing this post and i bookmark this blog.

  114. Wow, this is amazing post this is really great list. Thanks for sharing !!

  115. These are the best gifts for any technical person, You just need to check out right gift for right persons then you and that person will definitely love the gift and will enjoy Christmas in a wonderful way.

  116. Now we have an ample amount of non toy gift choices. Thanks for this post.

  117. I wish I found this before I bought all our gifts this past season. Some really interesting items I had not thought of. My kids love stuff like this, so I'm going to use some of these ideas for their birthdays. Thanks!

  118. This is such a great list of the best toys & gifts for kids! I'm a little late to the party here, but will definitely be bookmarking this for this upcoming holiday season later in the year!

  119. Such a huge non toy gift ideas! Thanks for sharing.


  120. Thanks god I found such a list. Khrystyna from Piercee

  121. I think a small fish tank is a great gift. Fish can be low maintenance pets and such great companions. I could watch a fish tank for days.

  122. how about some non toys for the garden? You could create a koi pond or wild flower landscape

  123. Really cool gift ideas. Thanks for sharing. I've learned a lot.

  124. Giftingf kids has been quite a struggle lately because it's as if they already have everything. This list is a breath of fresh air! Hopefully my nephews and nieces would love what I'll gift them soon :)

  125. Very creative birthday gift idea, thanks foe sharing

  126. WOW! What a really great list! I think ill be gifting a few lessons and gift certificates for local places for my cousins kiddos! Thanks for the details and taking the time to share

  127. Great ideas! Thanks for sharing!!

  128. This is an amazing list so many wonderful ideas makes my holidays less stressful.

  129. Season passes to the Zoo is a gift I always love to receive.

  130. Great ideas, our daughter has grown out of toys and is more interested in experience, this helps a lot , thanks

  131. I am guilty on pouring toys to my children. And I have to admit that our playroom is filled with toys we don't really know what to do with these since my kids won't give them up. Thank you for this post! It gave us a lot of alternatives to choose from. I hope my kids will love some time outside since I am planning to give them some fun family time.

  132. Thanks for such lovely ideas. Its pretty interesting.!

  133. Interesting and unique ideas! And most importantly most of them are budget friendly.

  134. Nice list!!! One question in my mind, where did you find the swirly tree wall decal?.

  135. Really awesome gift ideas! You have a very nice blog Post. Keep up the good work also in the future.

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  141. really and amazing article thanks for sharing. I love this Ideas

  142. Great Gift Ideas Really love it Thanks for sharing

  143. Love the experiences for gifts. So much more fulfilling than extras for the toy pile.

  144. Nice blog! Thank you for sharing a valuable information and I hope keep posting.

  145. Its an amazing website. It really helpful for me. Thanks for sharing it.

  146. It's really an amazing and informative blog. Thanks for sharing

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  149. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  150. I love the idea in this post. non-toy gift should be encourage. In fact, pets should never be a gift. I wouldn't appreciate a "surprise pet gift" for my child either.

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~Heather Lynne

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