Advent Day 6 - Picture A Savior - Memory Game

Advent Day 6 - Picture A Savior - Memory Game

If your kids are pretty young or new to learning the story of Christmas, you can make it really fun by playing a game to help remember some of the things in the story! Of course, even if you know the story well, a game of Memory is a lot of fun and gets everyone thinking about the story of Christmas.

This post is part of a series of 12 advent activities. You can find more details here.

Click Here for Day 6 Downloads 

- A Scripture
- A Discussion Topic
- An Activity: a printable memory game with pictures of the characters in the story of Jesus' birth. Also included: A 5x7 printable image (like the one on the back of the memory cards)

If you'd like to see the other days, I will link to them from this post as they go up!


I've teamed up with to provide this free advent for you. #ASaviorIsBorn

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