Advent Day 7 - Link to God (Paper Chain)

Advent Day 7 - Link to God (Paper Chain)

Jesus is called by many different names in the scriptures. To help our girls to learn them, it has become a tradition for us to put up our "Names of Christ" ornaments on our tree by stopping to read the scripture that goes with each and then having one of the girls find the matching ornament to the name of Christ that is mentioned.  Today's advent focuses on the different names of Christ (but you don't need to buy ornaments ;)  and how those different names can help us to understand the different roles that Christ has.

This post is part of a series of 12 advent activities. You can find more details here.

Click Here for Day 7 Downloads

- A Scripture
- A Discussion Topic
- An Activity: a printable paper chain craft (has different names of Christ on each link). You can have your family write their own name on one to symbolize that Jesus is their link to God.  (details in the PDF linked above)

If you'd like to see the other days, I will link to them from this post as they go up!


I've teamed up with to provide this free advent for you. #ASaviorIsBorn

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