Day 11 - Light of The World (Candle Votives)

Day 11 - Light of The World (Candle Votives)

I've always thought it was an interesting analogy to think about how you can have a totally dark room that is pitch black, and with one lit match, a lot of that darkness is dispelled. Although the world is filled with a lot of darkness, it can be dispelled with a little bit of light- light is strong!  Day 11 focuses on how Jesus is the light of the world.  We recently made little candle votives at a museum. Today's activity is very similar. Check out the link below for details!

This post is part of a series of 12 advent activities. You can find more details here.

Click Here for Day 11 Downloads

- A Scripture
- A Discussion Topic
- An Activity: Instructions and activity ideas for making your own candle votives and discussing ways that we can be more like Jesus, and bring light into this world.

If you'd like to see the other days, I will link to them from this post as they go up!


I've teamed up with to provide this free advent for you. #ASaviorIsBorn

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