Day 9 - Nativity Game

Day 9 - Nativity Game

When I was little I used to like to "act out" the nativity with the little characters in our manger scene. I remember learning that the wise men didn't come right away (they had to travel far!) and bringing the different characters in one-by-one. :)  Now my kids like to do this with our little kids' nativity :) Today's activity is a really fun one for kids- it involves making a nativity and a game that the whole family can play over the next few days!

This post is part of a series of 12 advent activities. You can find more details here.

Click Here for Day 9 Downloads

- A Scripture
- A Discussion Topic
- An Activity: a printable nativity and a fun game idea to play over the next few days, throughout your house.  Slowly bring the wise men closer to the nativity with this fun game (details in the PDF linked above! :)

If you'd like to see the other days, I will link to them from this post as they go up!


I've teamed up with to provide this free advent for you. #ASaviorIsBorn

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~Heather Lynne

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