Martin's Newborn Photos

Martin's Newborn Photos

My newest nephew was born on November 25th and I went over to snuggle him and take some photos of him on his 5th day. My mom came along to assist me (both with the photography stuff and the snuggling stuff) and we made some fun memories with my sister, posing this little munchkin and rearranging his bedroom to get these shots. It's so sweet to see how they turned out!

 Marty's dad is a baseball fan, so we wanted to get a nice shot with a ball and glove.

He also happens to be a volunteer firefighter, so we took a photo with his coat & helmet.

The night before the photo-shoot, my mom and I bought this cute little bear outfit, so here's a cute little baby bear photo:

...and another:

It's tradition to make a "parts poster" for each of my mom's grandchildren, so we got together and got "parts" photos on another day, about a month later. Here's how it turned out:

There was a time when I thought Ken's schooling would be finished and we would have moved (possibly to another country) before my sister's first baby was born (who is turning 3 this month). I'm glad I'm here for Martin, and so happy that we were able to get these photos!

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  1. I love the pictures of this adorable little boy!! Good work, Heather!!

  2. These are amazing. So professional looking. You see have a talent for this. Great job!! And glad you were able to capture them

  3. GREAT job on the photos. Those bear paws... they are just too adorable. I hope you got in lots of snuggle time too!

  4. I love the parts poster. Such a great way to preserve these moments

  5. He is beautiful and I love the photos!

  6. Heather, you're so talented! he is the sweetest, nothing beats baby snuggles!

  7. I love the parts poster idea! It's funny how, over time, we forget just how tiny our babies were. It's nice to have a visual keepsake of how they started out. Another thought that I had was that your mom must have a lot of wall space! So much cuteness! 😉

  8. These photos are absolutely gorgeous, you are one great photographer :-)

  9. Super sweet! Nothing better (nor more relaxing to the soul) than snuggling a baby.

  10. Great looking photos I know many people will like to see.

  11. Debbie White BeattieNovember 1, 2017 at 11:35 PM

    Congratulations on your new nephew, the photos are beautiful and he's just adorable

  12. These pictures are priceless ! Very creative and well taken ! I try , but these are just awesome ! Love them !

  13. Oh my gosh those are perfect and so adorable. Well done!


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~Heather Lynne

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