You've Been Egged

You've Been Egged

Several years ago, I shared a service-oriented family night activity over on Jedi Craft Girl's blog. I've noticed that my "You've Been Egged" printable has been popular lately, so I thought I'd share that family night activity with you here on the blog today!  Jedi Craft Girl is posting the 8th year of her "Walk With Jesus" blog series this year, so be sure to check that out for some great new ideas, too!


You’ll need 12 plastic Eggs & the items needed to create this Easter countdown. You can find a list here as well. – Prepare some small slips of paper and something to write or draw with for each family member. – Have an empty box or bowl ready. – Print the handouts and the “You’ve Been Egged” note.

You've Been Egged
You've Been Egged Printable

You've Been Egged Printable

Download “You’ve Been Egged” note HERE.


As I Have Loved You would be a great song to start with. You can listen to it here. You can also find lyrics and piano music at that link.


Start by giving each member of the family a couple of slips of paper & something to write with. Ask them to write down something that someone could do for them that would help them. They should put their name on the paper, fold it, and put it into the box or bowl. (If children are too young to write, they can draw a picture of their thing and a parent can write an explanation by the picture) Read John 13:15 “For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.” Matthew 7:12 “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” Explain that Jesus is our example. He loved and served others by doing things for them to help them. He healed people, He blessed people, and He helped people. He loves all people. Explain that when we do something for someone else it usually makes us love them more. Ask family members to share stories of times when someone did something for them that made them feel happy. Also ask for stories of times they did something nice for someone else and then felt more love for that person. Family members can now choose to draw as many slips of paper as they wish from the bowl or box and do that service idea for the person who wrote it down. You can follow up with them later to see how it made them feel to help someone else.


For the activity, you’re going to do something nice for someone else! This is something that will help them to celebrate the real reason for Easter. Together, assemble the 12 eggs with the bible verses and items outlined in this post and then go to someone’s house and hide the eggs in their yard. Leave the “You’ve Been Egged” note on their door, ring the doorbell, and run! 🙂 You can talk about the real meaning behind Easter as you are assembling the eggs at home, too 🙂

Handout: Download Here.

Family Home Evening Easter Activty

I hope this post helps you and your family to come closer to Christ as you prepare for Easter!

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  1. I don't see the list of items for the eggs. Is that on here somewhere?

    1. Thank you for pointing that out! I've fixed the missing links in the post!

  2. This s a fun activity for kiddos and easily done at home during physical distancing right now.

  3. Such an easy and fun way to remember the reason for the season!

    1. Yes! We like doing "real Easter" things on Sunday, and "bunny Easter" things on Saturday when we can work it that way, to have a bit of a separation... this one is a bit of a combo ;)

  4. This is a cute idea, my girls would've have loved this when they were little.

  5. It is sweet, but don't you think that a kid opening the egg would be disappointed?

  6. We are closer to Christmas than Easter, but just read this and I thought what a wonder idea.


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~Heather Lynne

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