Focus on Fun: Rediscovering Yourself After Motherhood

Focus on Fun: Rediscovering Yourself After Motherhood

It's hard to focus on fun! Have you ever noticed how easy it is to put fun on the back burner? Life gets busy, responsibilities pile up, and before we know it, the things we do just for fun start to feel like a luxury instead of a priority. But what if making space for fun was actually one of the best things we could do for ourselves? 

Finding Fun

Rediscovering Yourself After Motherhood

For years, most of my fun came from experiencing life through my kids—watching them explore, play, and enjoy new experiences. But now that they’re older, I’ve realized I feel a little rusty at making my own fun and I need to start rediscovering myself after motherhood (not that motherhood is over, but when your kids are teens, they require your help in different ways than when they were young and you realize it wouldn't hurt to start preparing for empty nest time!).

 I’ve also noticed how often I prioritize productivity over play. If something doesn’t feel “useful” or “important,” it’s easy to push it aside. But avoiding fun has almost become a habit—and that’s a habit I want to reverse! 

I love this quote from Oprah: "What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it." 

Focus on Fun

If that’s true, then focusing on fun should help us create more fun, right? That’s exactly what I’m hoping to do with my new Focus on Fun series! 

The Focus on Fun Series 

In this series, I’ll be sharing simple, practical ways to bring more fun into everyday life. I’ll also document some of the fun things I’ve been doing each week—both to keep myself accountable and to (hopefully) inspire you with new ideas! 

I’d love for you to join in, too! 

Be A Fun Finder!

Watch the first episode here:

I’d love to hear from you in the comments: 

📌 What’s one thing you love to do for fun? 
💡 Looking for ideas? Check out what others are sharing—you might find new inspiration! 

I’ll be featuring some of your fun ideas in future videos and posts, so be sure to join the conversation! 

If this resonates with you, I’d love for you to subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow along as we explore ways to find and create more fun in life. 

Let’s go find the fun this week! 🎉

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~Heather Lynne

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